Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hello Fall! Summer, I apologize for neglecting you.

I know when it's time to go back to school everyone wonder's where their summer went. I don't really wonder where it went, I know. I worked on average 50 hours a week, I took an online course, I was in two weddings, I took a trip to Floria, and I had a bunch of doctors and dentist appointments. What a boring summer.

I am going to share a list of things I seriously wish I could have done this summer

1.) Get a tan
I am so pale, you'd think I lived in Alaska.

2.) Visit a farmers market
I am trying to get into this healthy sustainable living as well as eat locally produced food. Heads up this is pretty difficult if you're never home and a poor college student.

3.) Go to a sox game
The only time I have ever been was when I was like 10 and more concerned with getting popcorn and a Fenway Frank. Lets be honest I still want those things but I might actually pay attention to the game now!

4.) Spend all day at the lake
Just read a book, barbeque, and hang with friends

5.) Visit South Portland
Everyone always talks about how boring SoPo is and how there is nothing going on in Maine. But I love it. Willard has the best seaglass, Red's, Beals, SPHOP, friends, family, our ever expanding mall, cruising down highland ave, seeing everyone I know at Millcreek Hannaford, Local Acapulco. It's home and I wish I could visit Maine more often in general.

6.) Save more money
Weddings, rent, bills, gas, food. This is probably going to be a constant fixture, always trying to save money...which is actually a good thing. (At least I'm trying)

7.) Babysit.
I have a big girl job...but kids are way more fun to hangout with and they are adorable.

I suck. It's so difficult to get into a routine.

9.) Go to the beach more than once.
I went once in June. Enough said.

10.)Start a business plan whether its for my future gourmet lunch cart ( it's a lifelong goal to just sell yummy lunch food to hungry tourists and people on breaks), my restaurant and catering company, or my event planning company
I plan for the future...entirely too much.