Friday, May 27, 2011

Teen, Steph, & Michelle..Making people feel uneasy on airplanes since 2011

 So I had fully intended to blog while in Florida...

I wrote this on the plane..and forgot about it SAWREE for PARTYIN'

Well we're off to Florida.

Needless to say were a bit of a wild bunch. Before we'd even got on the plane Jason Mraz our resident celebrity had confessed to having dreams of our plane being taken over by terrorists. Michelle and I took these statements in while drinking double malibu and pineapples at the airport bar.

While waiting to board Steph said the "Voldemort" (shameless Harry Potter reference) of airports. The T word ...about 5 more times in front of our fellow passengers to Newark.

"maybe I should stop thinking out loud.."-Steph
"Not the place Steph"- Me

Michelle Proclaimed her excitement to going to a different airport. A man turned around and told us there was nothing special about New Jersey. I went on to say "its not the nicest place"

Then another passenger turned around and glared at me.

Off to a great start ladies.

Once boarded Steph who thought bringing the worlds smallest bag would be a dandy idea shoved her parcel into the overhoad, (she forgot she would be carrying this bag and her giant handbag throughout the airports).

I opened my book for a light read, celebrity steph took a snooze, and michelle jammed to some ac/dc.

And the rest...well..

What happens in Florida stays in Florida..unless you've already stalked our facebook albums.