Sunday, December 16, 2012

Bitter Bitch Talks L.O.V.E.

I am going to share with you my thoughts on love. I know some of you are probably shocked because I parade around claiming that love and feelings are non existent fabrications in our minds, in which are a mix of crazy chemicals and hormones. Well, I honestly believe that. MOST of the time. Here’s the thing about real love. It doesn’t need to be in a relationship on facebook to feel official or  to  purchase fancy over priced gifts to prove your un-denying love to one another. It’s something you feel from the tippy top of your head down to your toes when that person walks in the room. They literally set your mind, heart, and *ahem* loins, ablaze. It’s this bizarre feeling of wanting to scream their name from the top of  “insert incredibly large building here” and hide underneath your bed in fear because your feeling so much and so strongly for a person. It's motivating, captivating, and a bunch of other really big positive action words that end in ING. But also, it’s way more fucking complicated than that too. It’s trying to meld families together and understanding that she puts the laundry detergent in last instead of first. That she is never going to know where her car keys are and he's always going to be late. It’s the balance between your own personal identity and the one you share together. It's learning to be proud and supportive rather than possessive. It’s personal beliefs and hobbies that clash and collide. It's apologizing even when you’re so stubborn you can’t ever imagine giving in to anyone else. It’s this blissful ignorance of kissing in public and not caring that everyone around you wants to strangle you. It's your boyfriend following you to the grocery store and tackling you in the aisle when you're pissed off because he "thinks" he's being romantic.

See, now I bet you thought I didn’t understand it. But don’t worry I do. I also understand how rare it is that all of the stars, moons, and bar fights can align perfectly to create a relationship that will last a lifetime or you know...a couple of years. The thing that is scary is where you end up when/if/somehow that relationship you spent so much time creating doesn’t work out. The long process that you have to set out on to recover when something you thought would last doesn’t. Can you love again? Will you be able to reveal so much of yourself to someone again? Maybe we are meant to love different people at different times of our life? Maybe we can love more than one person? Or maybe there is just one? Is it different for everyone? Will I end up like my parents? That’s the kind of shit you wonder about when in a real relationship.  And I certainly don’t have the answers to those anomalies. But I can wish you luck in your daring adventures into the mind boggling, mystifying ways of love. Or provide a really good sad song play list and a fabulous selection of cheap wines if things happen to go awry. 

Lots of ridiculous and bizarre love,
