Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Ins and Outs of Car Crying: Admit it you all do it

Now I like to keep my blog light and fluffy. I like to address difficult issues with a bit of humor. 

Sometimes you have to laugh or else you'll cry your eyes out.. I read that somewhere once and it really stuck. If you think about it laughter and crying go hand in hand. Both are often times uncontrollable reactions to things that happen to you. Sometimes I just cannot control my tears or laughter, I literally explode with either when it happens. They take a lot out of you too. Everyone should take a cat nap after a long laugh or a good cry.

I'm going to discuss something in which we all are guilty of once or twice or you know well over a handful of times in our life. Car crying. You know when you fight back tears walking down the driveway before getting into the caror this one song comes on and before you know it there's a waterfall erupting from your face and your nose is leaking everywhere. That's right, you know what I'm talking about. There's something about the car that just helps you let loose. Maybe its being enclosed in the space that makes you feel protected from the outside world. The security of being in control of a moving object that just lets you lose a part of yourself. Even though there's windows and mine are certainly not tinted it still feels like a protective coccon that allows you to lose it. Now for some proper crying etiquette.

Proper Car Crying Etiquette

1. No human being under any circumstances is allowed to be in car. However, dogs or any other animal are more than welcome. 

2. You must wipe your face at the red lights. For some reason no matter how upset or how hard I am crying I always seem to get my shit together at the red light. I wipe my face a little just in case the old lady or the young group of kids in the car next to me happen to sneak a peak over at me. I wouldn't want them to think I was some crazy chick crying in her car. My gosh natural body process' are so embarassing. I can only imagine how horrible this is for guys. I imagine you boys furiously wiping away your tears as you put the breaks on, taking deep breaths, and turning on some rap music. That's actually quite cute by the way. Not that your crying but the preparation, I would be really sad to see someone crying in the car. In fact I would do this in my window to you..

3. Let the tears roll! Do not pull out that lonely Dunkin Donuts napkin in the glove box until you are at your destination. If you take it out too early it will be soggy and useless crumpled up in your hand for the entire car ride.

4. Music: Adjust the music to your mood. Do not just hope and pray that a good song comes on the radio. Make sure those essential tracks are on your iPod for emergency car crying sessions. Turn it up, hit the steering wheel in anger whatever it is you do when you play that one song that hits home for you.

5. If you are really close with someone, so close that blubbering inaudible sounds on the phone to this person is completely acceptable and they won't think you're bat shit crazy, dial them up. Most of the time I call my mom. She's is one of the few who can help to calm me down from any situation. Plus she has no choice but to love me, she created me! Sometimes I'll text my best friend of 15 years (yes that's longer than most marriages) something completely off topic from my crying just so I can laugh about all the stupid shit we went through growing up together. Thinking about what you've been through can really help you with what you're going through.

6. If you're not done crying yet, take the long way. We all know once we reach our destination it just doesn't seem right to cry anymore.

7. Upon reaching your final destination: Get your shit together. Take a look in the mirror (no, it's not pretty) wipe your face, use that Dunk's napkin you have on reserve, slap your cheeks, take some deep breaths, search for a mint, put on some makeup (if your that kind of girl, I SURE AM), and roll out of the car like nothing ever happened.

There you have it.
A Dose of Tears

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