Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Nice Guys Finish Last

Everyone always talks about how being a nice person isn't going to get you anywhere in life. I wish I understood this. Why would someone think it is okay to tear people down? From any perspective it's just not acceptable.

I honestly believe that if you are kind, caring, and generous then good things will happen to you. If you make an effort every day to do this something, somewhere along the road will go right. That doesn't mean people who do not believe this "crazy" motto won't have nice things happen to them or that they do not deserve them. Everyone no matter what deserves a little happiness and good fortune.

This also doesn't mean that you won't make mistakes from time to time and that you won't end up in some weird limbo gray area unsure of your next move. That's perfectly fine. Life has a funny way of working out. Trust me.

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