Monday, January 17, 2011

It's okay if...

It's okay if...

you got a "little" scared when Natalie Portman's eyes turned red in Black Swan

you claim you "worked hard all day long" when you "unintentionally" checked facebook every 10 minutes.

you've already broken your new years resolutions (cough, me, cough)

your life is a total, "hot mess" least you have a life!

your boss takes pictures of you posing with gun hands flaunting your assets as a not so buff and sexy Charlie's Angels ( one else is with me on that one?)

your mother is the only person who calls you...every day

you pee in the shower

chicken flavored Ramen, a handful of cheetos, and two table-spoons of Nutella classify as "dinner"

you don't read the 90 pages due for you mythical creatures class tomorrow and classify all Disney movies you've ever seen as "sufficient studying".

you don't wash your face before you go to bed (even though every freaken magazine tells you how infested your pillowcase will get)

you sip shots on your 21st birthday (just this once)

your friends call you "Mom"

you like it when your friends call you. "Mom"

you wait until your gas gauge is on "empty"...and then until it starts blinking at you...and then until you coast into the gas station on fumes...and then you only put $7.00 in the tank.

your dad wishes you "Happy Birthday" the day before your birthday

your lingerie collection consists of bras and undies from the clearance racks as Target, Macy's, and Vicky's Secret.

your boyfriend wears your sweat pants...that say.."Red Riots" across the ass (and you don't tell him)

you're idea of excercise is lifting all your belongings you removed from school for break..back up all the stairs to your apartment..

you have a crush on Justin Bieber...and are over the age of 21

you're getting a divorce.

you don't have a job (though you really should get the eff on that)

you still thoroughly "dislike" that girl from high school you tried to ruin your life (and if it's me..Oh wait.. I never did that!)

An Understanding Dose of Teen

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