Saturday, October 30, 2010

Roads and Rearview Mirrors

Sometimes you just have to realize that you may never get what you once had back. That feeling you had for months is gone. That road is closed and you have to turn around and find a new direction. It’s not fun. It’s not enjoyable. You may find yourself turning around a couple of times because that road, you’ve been there before, you’ve seen it. You know every curve, every pot hole, it smells just the way you expect it to. That’s okay. It’s okay to turn around a couple of times. But that road can’t take you where you thought anymore. You’re not sure when it happened or how you let it happen and it’s painful when you realize it actually did happen. Get in the car, turn it around, but don’t forget to look in the rear view mirror, it’s something you want to remember even if you have to go. <3

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