Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Brushing your teeth..forgetting you just brushed your teeth
then drinkings a nice glass of OJ

Tripping when there isn't a soul in sight (you feel like a loser laughing alone)

Banging your elbow on any sort of hard surface/object

Starting to make mac n cheese when you realize you have no milk

Walking in on your best friend and your girlfriend doing the dirty...in your bed.

Thinking the guy you madeout with last night was a 10 when we was really a 4.

When someone finds your tattered, torn, rag-like blankey in your bed and the expression on their face tells all.

Thinking people are talking about Venice, Italy..when it's really Venice, CA.

Smacking your hand into the glass of your window in front of the bank teller.

Burning the cookies.

When the dentist asks you, " Have you been flossing regularly?"

When you make your plane but your luggage doesn't.

Passing out in public.

Running in public and not wanting to stop even though your dead tired because you think everyone in their cars are judging you.

When your boyfriend tells you, "I wouldn't be against it if you got a boob job hunny"

Waking up early.

The first Christmas you find out Santa isn't real..Christmas morning will never be the same.

Realizing that your parents are not superheroes and just as human and capable of making mistakes as you.

Dropping your bagel bite facedown on the floor..picking it up..and all the cheesey goodness remains on the floor.

Getting stuck Clark Grizwald style in a rotary.

Pumping gas during a sleeting/snowstorm mid-January with no gloves, a sweatshirt, and flip flops.

Being "that girl" at the party.

Having your friend explain what happened the morning after.

When your to-go order...isn't your to-go order.

Having to poop really bad...in public.

the WORST dose of Teen

You're own "worsts" are welcome :0)


Shaun said...

Getting stuck behind that old lady at a check out counter in any store, who is doing everything she possibly can to slow down the process of buying her shit.

molly said...

this is great!! and sad to think some of these have applied to me. in which i am thinking of a particular incident we had after bugaboo creek with Wendy!