Thursday, March 25, 2010


Last night I found my way into the pet store at the mall. My poor boyfriend hates it when I do this because I instantly turn into a nut talking in a high pitched voice to all the animals, pretending I know what they're thinking, and that every single animal is thinking that they are madly in love with me and wants me to take them home. Normally I fall for the puppies. BUT last night I fell deeply in love with A BUNNY. He was ALL black (so trendy) and a midget. A little petit pooplette of bunny!

"Oh you're suuuuuccch a little nuggggggetttt"
"awwwww what a cute leeeetttlleeee bunnnyyyyy!"
"I waaaaaannt bunnnnniesss"
-extremely annoying comments made by me cooing over the pint sized animals
"you're seven years old" -dustin

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