Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Domino's to Cooking Club

If there's one thing you're going to learn about me, it's that I'm forgetful. Ask my mother. Ask my boyfriend. Ask cooking club. Whether it's forgetting my homework, losing my keys at 2 am, or forgetting about the cooking club meeting this evening. I can't seem to remember certain things worth a damn. My blackberry is filled with alerts, lists, reminders, schedules, and yet I somehow get distracted along the way.
From doing homework for making babies (yes it's a credited gen ed at UNH) to ending up ordering a pizza online at domino's and in all my geekness watching at "Renee began to custom create my pizza", and chatting on the phone I somehow forgot about THE COOKING CLUB MEETING!
BUT, my pizza was about to be delivered, JAKE from domino's had just told me he'd be by the dumpster outside my dorm in one minute! (Sounds eerie I know!) What a conundrum. My boyfriend is laughing on the phone at me as I rush to collect my pizza and quickly hung up on, I am in a rush, NO TIME for useless chit chat! The meeting started ten minutes ago. Before I can make it out the door (thank goodness I remember my shoes this time, wet socks are almost as uncomfortable as scraping your plate with your fork or banging your funny bone) There's Jake! Waiting by the door. I'm surprised he's not by the dumpster. I mean the guy told me he'd be by the dumpster. Oh well less walking! I grab my pizza and go, Jake is an awkward delivery man and I've tried to joke with him before, he doesn't respond, he's flatlined from too many deliveries. With my pizza in hand I run upstairs grab my coat REMEMBER my school ID (I'm on my second from losing my first) and sprint up the stair to Hoco past a large pack of dudes who are walking much to slow.
I made it. I walked into cooking club with a box of dominos. I certaintly looked like a fatty. Not to mention someone had left a starbucks iced something or another directly to the left of me while I munched on my pizza. Parched and drink-less I stared longingly at the small melting ice cubes taunting my tongue. I almost reached for it. But I came to my senses. There were people around and a chocolate themed event to plan!
Anyways, I already forgot where I was going with this...

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