Monday, March 8, 2010

It's a hunger banquet..they're supposed to be hungry.

So Friday was crazy busy for me!

I worked at Philly from 10-2:30 making omelette's for my fellow UNH students. Not to brag or anything but I think I am quite the griddle master. Perhaps a short order breakfast cook job is somewhere...

After work I showed my suite to the people who will be living in it next year and obviously they arrived as I just came out of the shower. Typical. Me naked under a bathrobe with 8 girls and one male. SWEET.


THE OXFAM HUNGER BANQUET. cooking club volunteered for the second time in a row to help make the food for the whole oxfam gang. Speaking of oxfam I got a little bit curious about them while we were making dinner for the banquet. Who is oxfam? What do they do? What exactly is this hunger banquet! I mean I'm making strawberry shortcake and salad for these people and I don't know a thing about them.

Oxfam (Is not short for anything...well at least that the girl I asked knew of)

Oxfam is! A group of non-governmental organizations from three continents working worldwide to fight poverty and injustice.

They spread awareness about poverty and injustice through benefits like the hunger banquet in which students pay $3 (all of which was donated to Haiti this year) and they learn what it's like to be lower class, middle class, and upper class. The lower class serves themselves a small Dixie cup of rice, the middle a larger cup of rice and beans, and the upper receive salad, spaghetti with sauce, bread, and desert. And apparently this is a simulation of what it is like in the "real world". ANYTHING I MEAN ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN.

-There was a revolt! The poor got up and stole food from the upper class table. Then an all out spaghetti fight happened. WHAT. I was stunned. How rude! Who does that at a hunger banquet? This is's an all out war zone! Anyways, the worst part was...THEY MISSED OUT ON DESSERT. Out of fear of a very messy food brawl oxfam informed us the tasty (slightly overcooked my baddd) strawberry shortcake would not be served. They're loss. Cooking clubs gain!

Side note: If you ever end up in a predicament in which you have whipping cream and no mechanical beaters don't worry. Grab a whisk, some sugar,vanilla, AND most importantly about 3-4 people. Line up and take turns hand whipping the cream. It will take about 20 minutes if you're vigorous and you will see the cream thicken as you continue to ferociously whip that cream. No it's not ideal, but I mean at least it works!

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