Well well well, another day at PWM has passed me by, another trip in which my flight is delayed upon delayed and there's barely a break in the system to fit little old me onto a plane. So I spent my afternoon hanging around an airport, getting on a plane, nearly dismembering an old lady, chatting it up with a nice old lady, and finally deplaning.. BUT there's more I then waited in line for 20 minutes to realize there was no hope for me to get to Florida tonight. Potentially spending the night in the Atlanta airport just isn't on my preferred list of things to do. Oh well. Me and Planes..or is it Planes and I? (I capitalize plane because I often turn inanimate objects into people) We just can't seem to get our shit together when we both want to do something, at the same time. Planes are constantly keeping me up late, waking me up early, making me wait, causing me stress, and changing OUR planes. I mean I make these plans with Planes months in advance! What an unreliable friend a plane iS. Don't even get me started on Airports. SO anyways. I leave tomorrow at a ridiculously early hour in the morning in which I will probably curl up in a ball in the airport chairs until my flight is boarding. JOYOUS. But all in all it wasn't too bad, I could actually be in Georgia stuck next to a smelly man snoring who has decided to spend the night in the airport gracing me with his presence. You can't cry over spilt milk and you get more flies with honey than vinegar.
On occasion I do tend to get a bit dramatic and people who suck at boarding planes really just aggravate the bejesusessessss out of me. C'mon really how difficult is it to throw a bag in a compartment, find your seat, and sit the fuck down!
sample venting text in which my poor boyfriend was submitted to:
"Oh my god the fucking old lady walking in front of me on the plane...slowly removes her carryon and gently tries to stuff it in the overhead compartment (listen lady don't be afraid to hurt the bag, it's not like it's meant to hold objects and protect them or anything.) Moving in absolute slow motion, she then removes her jacket and lays it ever so gently with her precious bag, then casually adjusts the books and other items she has in her hands THEN oh she finally decides to sit down. But she doesn't sit like normal people she thinks "I'll just ease myself in the chair for 5 fucking minutes (no were not delayed people might not miss their connecting flights why don't you stop for some tea and a biscotti while your at it, better yet grab me one I've spent nearly been three hours watching you put shit in a compartment. Oh yeah those nylons under your capris look STUPID."
All in all my biggest disappointment of the day was that I really liked my plane outfit and I feel like all the employees at PWM will know I wore it today if I wear it tomorrow.
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