Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Men's Idea of Homemaking

I am making some generalizations here, so if you can't take the heat get outta my kitchen!

1.) Sexy posters of half naked ladies referring to sexual activity or consumption of alcohol
2.) setting up a bed and a mini fridge in their bedroom
3.) A customized beruit/ beer pong/ flip cup table
4.) Take out containers
5.) Good speakers for parties
6.) A poster of entourage/wedding crashers/some manly company
7.) Duck tape
8.) Frozen pizza in the fridge
9.)A bong on the living room table
10.) House Whores who sleep in one of the roommates bed's relatively more often than normal whores, they make you breakfast at 3am, help you clean your room, or bring brownies over to seem less slutty and help to make the house a little more homey!

I'm hungry now.. 

1 comment:

Shaun said...

What about a futon bed, Teen!?