Monday, November 15, 2010

Things you really shouldn't say/do in front of your new boyfriend

Ladies & Gentleman here it goes

  1.  Do you have a plunger (after exiting his bathroom)
  2. "Your mom and I are so alike omg!"
  3. "My ex boyfriend insert anything you might say here
  4. Change your tampon
  5. Tell his guy friends you think they are sexy!
  6. "Well I once saw on this lifetime movie..". "On OTH last night..." "Did you see the new Keeping up with the Kardashians?"
  7. you-"I'll see you soon hun, just stopping by PP"   him- " PP?" you- "Planned Parenthood silly ;-)"
  8.  Tell him any part of his body is "small".
  9. Tell his friends any embarassing stories you heard from his mom.
  10. you- " Hey dad!" him- "wrong message, babe" you- "About that..."

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