PRO: You save anywhere from $50-500 dollars. Depending how intense your relationship is, gifts for family, going out to dinner, gas, presents, wrapping paper etc.
CON: EVERYONE you know suddenly starts getting a boyfriend (even the 10 year old searching for gifts in the rite aid Christmas isle). Not to mention engagements are super popular around this time of year. GAG.
PRO: You don't have to "hide" your dissapointment or act excited when you get a shitty Christmas present when you gave ALL of the hints in the world of the things that you wanted.
CON: It's difficult to find a pal to drag along to holiday fairs, movies, Christmas shopping, someone to get drunk off spiked egg nog with because they're too busy having fun with their significant others...
PRO: No single person likes a happy couple during the holidays. So inadvertantly you're helping to make other single people have a much easier day.
CON: Those extra pounds you pack on during the holidays are a lot lonelier when you can't be "the cute chubby couple". Instead you're just fat and single.
PRO: Your family feels bad and buys you more gifts!
WORST CON EVER: Sleeping alone during the holidays. It's really cold outside and not having someone to snuggle close with, rub your cold feet up against, and watch crappy old Christmas movies on cold, snowy, winter nights is so not "the tits". In fact its pure torture.
Try to enjoy your holidays single folks!
A single dose of Teen
Pro: If you get insanely drunk and end up sleeping with a co-worker you don't get embroiled in a messy break up with your significant other.
Con: You $#%@ where you eat and now you have to deal with the consequences. This involves more drinking and sleeping with co-workers. A vicious cycle.
This is an excellent idea...when drunk..sober, naked, and hungover in the morning..probably not.
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